IFAF GAINS Charts and awards download
We all like to be rewarded for our achievements. Here you’ll find all you need to know about the awards that can be gained as your performance progresses.
As you start attending shoots, your score will improve. when your score reaches above a threshold you will be awarded a Gain Award. the tresholds vary depending on bow style, shooting division, competition type, etc.
Gains are benchmark scores related to IFAF records. Each Gain recognises and rewards different levels of ability relative to the current record:
Bronze: 50%
Silver: 70%
Gold & Hotshot: 80%
Star: 90%
For example, based on bow-style, division and age on archer would need to achieve a score of 222 twice in an UAR round to be awarded a Bronze gain award but another archer may need to score at least 278, twice, to be eligible for a Bronze Gain in their category.