Open the JustGo membership portal

Fill in your name, address etc.

Choose a club if you are joining as part of a club.
select add, select the club/clubs and press done

Add your emergency contact details
select signup

Agree or not to Just go communications
Select the tick boxes if you want. then select accept & continue. you need to agree to the terms and conditions

You will then be brough to the profile screen.
Select membership

Select first time application

Fill in the additional details…
upload a profile picture, fill in you emergency contact details

First time aplication
Select add and fill out the requested information. when all the questions are answered select save in the top right hand corner.

Select ADD if you want to add a club to approve your application. Independent archers do not need to perform this step.
select the club
select done
select finish

Select Yes, Proceed to cart ( this is just the approval process there is no cost at this point )

Select complete order.

Your application is now waiting for approval
select home and wait for a email saying your application has been approved before continuing.