Dunbrody Archers
23rd March 2025
Unmarked Animal Round (UAR)
Shoot Fees
€10 per adult
€5 per junior/cub,
Registration is online only & will be open shortly. www. dunbrodyarchers.ie
Tea and coffee available on site
Bringing their own mug, would be much appreciated.
Location: Tinnacarrick, O’Rahilly View, County Wexford
Open to all Archers with a valid membership card.
This is an open shoot & members of all field archery organisations (IFAF, IFAA, Archery Ireland, NIFAA, SIFA, ITFAS, NFAS, Archery NI, Archery UK, etc.) are invited to attend
Guest Archers
Members of the following organisations are eligible to compete at an IFAF shoot, as a guest:
1) All organisations affiliated with the International Field Archery Association (IFAA)
2) All organisations affiliated with World Archery
3) SIFA – Society of Irish Field Archers
4) NFAS – National Field Archery Society
REMEMBER: Members of the organisations listed are eligible to compete at the IFAF event as ‘guests’. A guest archer must bring evidence of their membership (e.g. current membership card) and present it at registration.
Guests from other organisations are covered under IFAF’s Public Liability policy. There is no Personal Accident cover provided to guests, they must have their own insurance through the association of which they are a member.
Guests are not eligible to
- claim an IFAF Record
- receive incentive awards such as Gains awards or Perfect Score certificates