General Information
- IFAA affiliation
- Is your membership paid-up?
- Do you have an IFAA Classification-Scorecard?
- Every archer must have at least TWO scores for IFAA Animal rounds (or similar) to demonstrate experience of those rounds
- IFAF’s Classification cards are issued by the International Rep (
- Event registration
- Find in IFAA’s Sanctioned Events
- Passport / National ID Card
- Is your travel document in date?
- EHIC Card & Travel Insurance
- Apply for an EHIC card online
- Purchase travel insurance
- Flights &/or Ferry
- Accommodation
- Car hire vs. Airport transfer
- Do you have a FULL driving licence?
- Are there shuttle services at the site?
Registration & Bow-check
- Documents
- IFAF Membership card
- IFAA Classification-Scorecard
- Classification is for Field & Hunter only.
- Scorecard is for Animal rounds only.
- Archers must add IFAA 3D rounds scores to their Classification-Scorecard when competing at IFAA Bowhunter tournaments
- Photo ID
- It is becoming common practice to be asked for proof of age at Registration
- Forms
- Fill-out two (2) copies of the bow-check form
- Forms can be available online but generally they are printed sheets available on-site.
- Fill-out two (2) copies of the bow-check form
- Bow
- Compounds will be speed-checked
- Marks considered sighting aids will be covered by the bow checkers
- Arrows
- Arrows must be numbered 1, 2 & 3 using rings, near to the fletches
- Tabs
- No marks to aid shooting allowed
- Binoculars
- It is standard practice to bring binoculars to bow-check at all IFAA tournaments
- Only binoculars with a bow-check sticker can be used on the range (i.e. they have been verified as being non-range-finding)
Event Schedule
- Day 1-4: Bow-check & Registration
- Bow-check & registration open
- Practice Range open (inc. day 5 – 9)
- IFAA delegates meeting
- Information specific to the tournament is issued for recirculation by delegates to their national members
- Day 4: Parade of Nations & Opening Ceremony
- All nations march through local town Speeches and welcome by officials
- Day 5 – 9: Competition
- 4 days of shooting over 5 days
- Unmarked Animal (3 arrow) x2
- Standard 3D (2 arrow) x1
- 3D Hunting (1 arrow) x1
- Day 10: Banquet & Awards Ceremony
- Awards are presented the day after the tournament has completed to allow for any mistakes to be corrected
- The banquet must be pre-booked. Ticket price €10 – €20, approx.
- Following the awards there is usually a band to provide entertainment
IFAA Rounds
Group 1
- 6 targets per range
- Adult: Three 5 yard walk-ups set between 60 – 40 yd
- Junior: 3 arrows from the 3rd adult peg
- Cub: Three 5 yard walk-ups, peg 1 set at max. 30 yd
Group 2
- 6 targets per range
- Adult: Three 3 yard walk-ups set between 45 – 30 yd
- Junior: Shoot ‘Adult’ distances
- Cub: Single peg set at max. 25 yd
Group 3
- 8 targets per range
- Adult: Single peg set between 35 – 20 yd
- Junior: Shoot ‘Adult’ distances
- Cub: Single peg set at max. 20 yd
Group 4
- 8 targets per range
- Adult: Single peg set between 20 – 10 yd
- Junior: Shoot ‘Adult’ distances
- Cub: Single peg set at max. 10 yd
3D STANDARD (2 arrow)
Group 1
- 6 targets per range
- 2 shooting positions (peg)
- Adult: 60 yd (max)
- Junior: 50 yd (max)
- Cub: 30 yd (max)
Group 2
- 6 targets per range
- 2 shooting positions (peg)
- Adult: 45 yd (max)
- Junior: 45 yd (max)
- Cub: 25 yd (max)
Group 3
- 8 targets per range
- 2 shooting positions (peg)
- Adult: 35 yd (max)
- Junior: 35 yd (max)
- Cub: 20 yd (max)
Group 4
- 8 targets per range
- 2 shooting positions (peg)
- Adult: 20 yd (max)
- Junior: 20 yd (max)
- Cub: 10 yd (max)
3D HUNTING (1 arrow)
Group 1
- 6 targets per range
- 1 shooting position (peg)
- Adult: 60 yd (max)
- Junior: 50 yd (max)
- Cub: 30 yd (max)
Group 2
- 6 targets per range
- 1 shooting position (peg)
- Adult: 45 yd (max)
- Junior: 45 yd (max)
- Cub: 25 yd (max)
Group 3
- 8 targets per range
- 1 shooting position (peg)
- Adult: 35 yd (max)
- Junior: 35 yd (max)
- Cub: 20 yd (max)
Group 4
- 8 targets per range
- 1 shooting position (peg)
- Adult: 20 yd (max)
- Junior: 20 yd (max)
- Cub: 10 yd (max)
Unmarked Animal
- 1st Arrow
- KILL: 20 points
- WOUND: 18 points
- 2nd Arrow
- KILL: 16 points
- WOUND: 14 points
- 3rd Arrow
- KILL: 12 points
- WOUND: 10 points

3D Standard
- KILL: 10 points
- VITAL: 8 points
- WOUND: 5 points
3D Hunting
- KILL: 20 points
- VITAL: 16 points
- WOUND: 10 points

On the Range
- Scorecards
- Bring the correct scorecard for the round being shot
- Range vouchers
- Money is NOT accepted on the course, you must buy pre-paid vouchers to purchase food.
- Equipment
- Bow, arrows, binoculars, spares!
- Essentials
- Clothing for all seasons, hat, portable seat, sun cream, bug-spray!
- Refreshments
- Bring a bag with food and drink in it.
- Food is generally available, but location(s) can be some distance from where you start shooting from.
- Bring a bag with food and drink in it.
- Water
- Courses have free bottled water provided at regular intervals
- Smoking
- Smoking, including E-Cigarettes, is NOT allowed on the course, only at designated food stops
- Group position/role assigned
- The ordering of names in the group determines role (cannot be changed)
- #1: Target Captain
- #2: First Scorer
- #3: Second Scorer
- #4: Arrow Puller
- #5 (or greater): No role assigned. General etiquette is to look for arrows
- The ordering of names in the group determines role (cannot be changed)
- Target Captain’s job
- monitor shooting rotation
- settle all local questions
- manage back-logs/shoot throughs
- Scoring disputes
- In the case of a dispute, the majority opinion of the other archers in the group decides on the score. Period.
- Pegs
- All adults: Yellow
- Juniors: Blue
- Cubs: Black
- Targets
- At each target a notice board will provide details about the target:

- Shooting
- Archers MUST shoot in pairs
- A/B: Target Captain / First Scorer
- C/D: Second Scorer / Arrow Puller
- E/F: Archer 5 / Archer 6
- Archers MUST rotate shooting order after each target (Exec note):
- First target: (A+B)/(C+D)/(E+F);
- Second target: (C+D)/(E+F)/(A+B);
- Third target: (E+F)/(A+B)/(C+D);
- Forth target: (A+B)/(C+D)/(E+F), etc.
- Archers MUST rotate shooting position rule: 1-14 LEFT: A/B, C/D, E/F & 15-28 RIGHT: B/A, D/C, F/E
- Archers MUST shoot in pairs
- Unclear/unsafe shot rule
- You are entitled to shoot a target singly if you feel you do not have a clear shot of the target or your footing is not sound.
- Foot placement rule:
- (1) Single marker lay-out: No archer shall shoot from in front of the appropriate marker. One foot shall not be more than six inches behind or a maximum of three feet to either side of such marker. For all Animal rounds, marked or unmarked, there shall be two markers.
- (2) Double marker lay-out: No archer shall shoot from in front of the appropriate marker. One foot shall touch or not be more than six inches behind or to either side of such marker.
- Sequence of arrows shot rule
- DO shoot arrows in numerical order
- If you shoot out of sequence by mistake advise the Target Captain immediately. DO NOT shoot further arrows until the mistake has been understood.
- Marking scorecards with A-C-E, as shown, helps track shoot rotation
- Best practice is to start rotation on the starting target (e.g. #10) and continue the A-C-E rotation until end of the scorecard
- Arrows MUST arrow must cut through the line to score the higher value
- DO NOT touch arrows in the target, to do so will forfeit your score
- DO NOT pull arrows until scoring completed
- DO pay attention to the score being called for you. It is hard to correct mistakes later
- DO check your final scores match. It is much harder to later change results entered for you/signed-off by you

- Juniors
- Juniors shall shoot in their own groups
- Cubs
- Cubs shall shoot in their own groups with a non-shooting responsible adult.
- The non-shooting responsible adult may be one of the scorers for the group.
- Additional Information: Day Off
- The Day Off rotation may mean that families who shoot are not guaranteed to have the same day off.
- There is no official provision for supervising children who are on a rest day
- Parents need to be aware of the ‘day off’ situation and make alternative arrangements with others not shooting to take care of younger children or not shoot themselves.
- Protest Committee
- The Protest Committee generally comprises of 3 IFAA delegates and 2 officials from the host nation.
- The Committee will adjudicate on protest(s) received.
- The Committee’s decision is final.
- Submitting a Protest.
- Any archer wishing to make an official complaint must pay €50.
- If a protest is upheld the €50 fee is returned
- Team structure
- Shooting styles are divided into 4 groups, each with their own shooting styles grouped together.
- One competitor, male or female, is chosen from each style, to make a team of maximum 9 archers.
- A full team consists of 9 archers, one from each style. A team of less than 9 may be entered if the nation cannot fill all style slots.
- Selection is left strictly to the nation sponsoring the team.
- Fee
- Team entrance fee ranges between €100-€150