IFAF Archery Clubs around Ireland have been busy sharing congratulations to the graduates of their Archery Safety Courses. All of which wouldn’t have been possible without Instructors. Thank you Nick Anton – IFAF National Head Coach, Colleen Moore – Level 4 Instructor, Dave Leigh – Level 2 instructor & Owen Reynolds – Level 1 instructor • IFAF Instructors List
Congratulations to the students who participated in this years Instructors class of 2023
‘I’m delighted to say that we had a great couple of sessions, 14th October, 18th November, on the IFAA/IFAF Level 1 instructors course. All candidates passed and are now Level 1 Instructors.’
The course was run by Nick Anton and Colleen Moore. I’d like special mention of thanks to Dave Leigh of Galtee Archery for assisting so ably at both sessions and Owen Reynolds who helped out at the second session.” – Nick Anton, IFAF National Head Coach.
The successful, Level 1 Instructor candidates were:
Laura Purcell, Black Castle Archers
Stephen O’Halloran, Black Castle Archers
Keith Ryan, Galtee Archery
Ewa Olwa, Valley Bowmen Archery
Peter Wright, Limerick Field Archers
Nick Kavanagh, Laois Archery
Alex Bliedung, Cork City Archers
Deirdre Ní Dhubhghaill, Wexford Archery