Irish Field Archery Federation

The home of Field Archery in Ireland

IFAF National League


The 2022 League started on Sunday 3rd October 2021 and will run through to Sunday, 25th September 2022. The September closing date allows for the 6-week lead time to gather the perpetual trophies and collate awards for the Archer and Club Champions. The awards are presented at the AGM.


September 19th was the last shoot in the 2021 season, it is great to see everyone out in the woods again, combined with some exciting action within the league, it’s all GO in Irish archery.

The League reverted back to the original format of all members being included by default.  This will ensure that all members and all clubs have full participation. If you wish to opt out of the IFAF National League please complete the form in the RULES section of this page.

Top Archers 2021:

  1. Michael Jay
  2. Helen Kavanagh
  3. Don Bradley

  Top Clubs 2021:

  1. Laois
  2. Wexford
  3. Dunbrody



The Irish Field Archery Federation (IFAF) National League shall comprise of all of competitions appearing on the IFAF calendar (and run on the island of Ireland) from AGM to AGM. The final shoot counted towards each current year’s League is the shoot 6-weeks in advance of the AGM. Results from shoots after the ‘closing weekend’ roll-over into the subsequent year.

IFAF National League shall result in the awarding of two perpetual trophies at the end of each year:

  • The IFAF National League Club Trophy which shall be awarded to the archery club that accumulates the most points over the course of a year. For the avoidance of doubt, only IFAF members may accumulate points on behalf of their club.  Independent members may declare themselves as shooting for a particular club on their registration form.
  • The IFAF Individual Archer of the Year Trophy which shall be awarded to the archer who accumulates the greatest number of points over the course of each year. For the avoidance of doubt, only IFAF members are eligible to receive this award. The archer’s gender, age or bow-style, however, is irrelevant and shall not preclude them from winning the award. So, for example, a cub may be awarded the IFAF Individual Archer of the Year Trophy.

Points shall be awarded to clubs where, at any competition referred to above, an IFAF member, whose registration form names that club, places first, second or third in their category (regardless of their bow-style, gender or age), save that clubs may only be awarded points for up to and including a maximum of 3 archers at any single competition (regardless of the number of days for which that competition lasts).  The number of points awarded to a club based on an archer’s performance at a competition shall be as follows:

    • First Place – 3 points
    • Second Place – 2 points
    • Third Place – 1 point


  1. The IFAF National League is open to all members of IFAF who are, by default, entered into the League. Any member who does not wish to be part of the League can ‘opt out’ using this form: Opt out form
  2. Where more than three archers shooting for the one club score points at an event, only the three highest points scores for that club shall count towards the IFAF National League (e.g, the maximum Club score is 9 points).
  3. Any individual member of the relevant club who scores points at a competition shall have their score recognised for the purposes of the Club Archer of the Year.
  4. Club archers may move clubs during the year, but points won by them shall be allocated to the club which they are listed as a member of at the time of the shoot. A new League registration form must be submitted to enact a change of club. Any points earned prior to the forms submission will remain with the original club.
  5. Independent archers who are not members of a club may nominate a club on the League registration form. A new League registration form must be submitted to enact a change of club or restoration to an independent status. Any points earned prior to the forms submission will remain with the original club.
  6. The Individual Archer award is based podium placement within one bow-style only. The bow-style of the archer will be will be taken from League registration form. A new League registration form must be submitted to enact a change of bow-style.
    1. Upon receipt of change notification, a new entry will be added to the League table for that bow-style and future points awarded under the new style. Note: points from multiple bow-styles will not be summed to give an overall Individual Archer total (e.g. AFBB-R: 16 points plus AFFS-R: 43 points will not total 59 points for the Individual Archer award)
  7. It is the archers responsibility to check published shoot results. Podium finishes in a bow-style not registered with the League will not be counted. Genuine mistakes to registration / results will be accommodated (e.g. registered as BU but results show FU).
  8. League tables will be updated, where possible, after each competition (upon receipt of results from the competition organiser) and the perpetual trophies will be presented to the winning club and individual at the IFAF AGM or at the next IFAF competition or at some other suitable event as determined by IFAF.
  9. IFAF medals will be awarded to the top three individual archers on the Individual table and the five highest scoring archers from the winning club.
  10. The perpetual trophies awarded to the winning Club and Individual shall only be permitted to kept until 1 month prior to the next IFAF AGM. They must be returned for engraving for the next years’ winners, and on signing a guarantee that they will pay the price of replacing the relevant trophy to IFAF should the trophy be lost, damaged or not returned. A roll of honour listing the winning clubs and individuals will be maintained on the IFAF website.

All clubs are, where possible, requested to furnish copies of the results from shoots to the IFAF League Admin within 48 hours of shoots in order for League data to be available to the IFAF League Administrator(s).