Log in to Just Go select menu under "My Club" select Club Members The members number is located under their...
Log in to JustGo Select My Profile your membership number will be under your profile picture
For any new members approval is required. please complete this process first for all family members Apply for new IFAF...
Log in to Just go select the menu on the top left hand corner. under "My Club" select Club Affiliation....
Log in to Just go press the menu on the top left of the screen select club members under "My...
If you are a new member and require approval please complete this process first Apply for new IFAF membership approval...
Log in to the system and select menu under "My Club" select Club Members select the profile of the member...
As a coach you need to register your credentials on the JustGo system first log in and select profile then...
Open the JustGo membership portal Fill in your name, address etc. Choose a club if you are joining as part...
Due to increased security measures you need to approve the auto renew payments. You will receive an email titled- it...
Log in to the membership portal https://irishfieldarchery.sport80.com/ Select your profile under Athletes Select “Memberships” on the menu on the Left....
To manage club affiliations log in to sport 80. On the top left hand side select the role dropdown (...