Irish Field Archery Federation

The home of Field Archery in Ireland

Club Membership Fee -Setup Stripe

Set up sport80 to handle your club membership fees. you must first connect your stripe account so the payments can be processed.

Log in to sport 80

On the top left hand side select the role dropdown ( it will currently show your name )

Now select your club from the drop down menu ( If you do not see your club listed you do not have the correct permissions to perform this task )

Select “Club Membership Fee Admin” from the left hand menu

Select connect with stripe

The wizard with start where you can log in with your stripe account or create a new one.

There are too many variables here for me to go through. in short you will need your stripe details if you have an account and your IBAN.

Once the wizard is complete a pop up will inform you that it was successful.

You are new ready to move on to setting your club membership fees.