A lot of you may have seen the news already but we are saddened to announce the news of the passing of our former Chairman, friend and archer Martin Moylan.
Martin joined the IFAF committee in November 2019 and served with distinction as Chairman for four years before stepping down just before the AGM last November. He was instrumental in a lot of the positive changes you’ve seen in ifaf over the last few years.
As we trawled through the various photos of Martin on our social media platforms in every one he had his broad cheeky smile. He’ll be fondly remembered as a good friend to all. We will all miss that big bellowing laugh around the course from now on.
We offer our most sincere condolences to his wife Sandra, two children Chiara and Stephen, his extended family and club mates at Dunbrody Archers.
Ar dheis Dé go Raibh a Anam.
Reposing at Cooney’s Funeral Home, New Ross, (Y34 FK44) on Tuesday, 9th July, from 4pm concluding at 7pm.
Funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday, 10th July at 10am in St. Mary & Michael’s Parish Church, New Ross, followed by burial afterwards in St. Stephen’s Cemetery, New Ross.
Dunbrody Archers will be forming a guard of honour for Martins funeral on Wednesday, from the church to the graveyard. Orange club tops to be worn over the shoulder please. Archers attending from other clubs will be very welcome to wear their own club colours over their shoulders.
Here you will Martin Moylans Rip.ie listing
The Moylan Family have requested Family flowers only please, donations, if desired, to The Oak Ward, Waterford University Hospital, Donate here.