Log in to the membership portal
Select your profile under Athletes

Select “Memberships” on the menu on the Left.
Click on your membership ( the Line circled in red )

The membership details panel will appear.
- Scroll down to “Membership Renewal Details”
- Select membership type
- Select One Time Payment
- Select Next

Review the details in the following pages….
- Club Info
- Personal Details
- Contact Details
- Address
- Disability, Medical and Dietary Information
- Waiver
Correct any out of date information
- Accept the waver
- Select renew

- At the top right of the webpage you will see a shopping cart with one item in it.
- Click the shopping cart to start the checkout process.

In the basket you will see.
- The membership to be paid for
- The total cost
- Press checkout

In the checkout page
- Enter the card holders name
- Enter the card holders email address
- enter the credit card number
- enter the expiry date
- enter the cvc number, the last 3 digits at the back of the card
- Select Pay.
The payment will be processed by Stripe and your membership will now be renewed.